Saying the words Merry Christmas has been under attack for quite awhile now. They want you to say Happy Holidays. In 2020 due to the lock down, many families and friends didn’t get together. They didn’t want you to celebrate and have a “Merry” Christmas at all.

Meaning of Merry

Merry means joy, joyful, or cheerful. In the Bible, you will find this verse about merry.
“A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.” (Proverbs‬ ‭17:22‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

If you do a study of these words, “A merry heart does good like medicine,” the concordance says, “A joyful heart gives a happy healing.”  That’s what joy gives and why it’s so important we have joy. Joy brings healing.

People, places and things have tried to steal joy in 2020 and they are trying to continue it into 2021. So it’s important to laugh and to be joyful!

Secret to True Joy

But there is a secret to true joy. True or real joy is knowing Jesus. Because JOY is Jesus On You. God’s word says joy brings healing. Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly. (John 10:10 NKJV)

Now Proverbs 17:22 also says what happens to a person without joy. “A broken spirit dries up the bones”.

A broken spirit means wounded, afflicted or sad spirit. Bones can also mean strength.
To put it in other terms, “A sad spirit dries up your strength”. That’s why it says in the Bible, “the joy of the Lord is your strength”. (Nehemiah 8:10 NKJV)
You see every answer can be found in God’s word.

“A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.” If you do a  study of each of these words, and break down the meaning, this verse is saying, “A joyful heart gives happy healing, but a sad spirit dries up your strength”.


If you do find yourself sad, or depressed because of what you have gone through, no matter what it is, physical, financial, emotional, or spiritual, have JOY, Jesus On You. Take the time to laugh. Laughter is medicine.

And, stop watching the news! All they talk about are bad reports. Instead read the good report, God’s word.

But there is no greater joy than knowing Jesus and accepting Him as your Savior. If you want to know
more of how to take this step, email me and I will share with you how. It’s the most important step you can take.

If you do know Him, give it all to Him in prayer. Pray God’s word that says, “Give all your worries and cares to God for He cares for you”.  (1 Peter 5:7 NLT)
JOY, Jesus On You, is the cure and is the answer. There is nothing too difficult for Him.